Solar Tomography

Solar Tomography
A phase field method for tomographic reconstruction from limited data
Classical tomographic reconstruction methods fail for problems in which there is extreme temporal and spatial sparsity in the measured …
Intercomparison of the LASCO-C2, SECCHI-COR1, SECCHI-COR2, and Mk4 Coronagraphs
In order to assess the reliability and consistency of white-light coronagraph measurements, we report on quantitative comparisons …
Numerical methods for solar tomography in the STEREO era
In this thesis, we propose several advances in the numerical and computational algorithms that are used to determine tomographic …
A robust null space method for linear equality constrained state estimation
We present a robust null space method for linear equality constrained state space estimation. Exploiting a degeneracy in the estimator …
Dynamic three-dimensional tomography of the solar corona
Empirical, three-dimensional electron-density maps of the solar corona can be tomographically reconstructed using polarized-brightness …